Card Reading or Past Life Viewing with Carolyn Rose
Carolyn is a free-spirited old soul with a love and appreciation for herbal tea, her two wild ones and all things spiritual and metaphysical. Her focus is on helping others to open up to and hone their own healing abilities and intuitive gifts. She offers services like energy healing, mediumship, card readings, birth charts, past life readings, guide channeling and intuitive coaching and mentorship. She's also the co-creator of Wild Woman Wellness Center in Chichester NH. Her intention is to help others to connect to their own innate power, to step into their purpose, shine their light and unleash their potential.
To book a 1 hour appointment with Carolyn Rose click the “register here” button below. You can let Carolyn know what type of reading you would like at your appointment. Please call Spirit Wise at 603-380-9091 to book a 15 or 30 minute appointment. Walk-ins welcome! (please note past-life readings are 30 or 1 hour only)