Merry Meet! Our Elemental Witchery Series begins in April gathering one Thursday evening a month through September. In the series you can expect to learn and explore each Direction and Element, correspondences, herbs and rituals to call and honor each direction. Along the way there will be tea, meditation and an invitation to meet your own personal Elemental Guardians throughout the series. Blessed Be!
Thursday April 10: Introduction to meeting the Elements, Directions, and your Guides.
Thursday May 8: Element of Air. Guardians, Ancestors, and Corresponcences in the East. Wise ways to call Air energy into your life for clarity, beginnings, and communing with the Ancestors.
Thursday June 12: Element of Fire. Guardians, Ancestors, and Correspondences in the South. Wise ways to call Fire energy into your life for creativity, passion, and transformation.
Thursday July 10: Element of Water. Guardians, Ancestors, and Correspondences in the West. Wise ways to call Water energy into your life for emotional baalance, divination, and connection to the Ancestors.
Thursday August 14: Element of Earth. Guardians, Ancestors, and Correspondences in the North. Wise ways to call Earth energy into your life for grounding, stability, prosperity, abundance, and gratitude practice.
Thursday September 18: The Fifth Element: Spirit. Completing the Circle. An evening of Ritual.